Easy or not?

So I was riding in a cab a week ago having small talk with a driver, a 25 something guy appeared to be the most determined person I’ve met in years. He said his father has been working as a TIR driver for many years, and the guy wants to join the same lane of…

Моему отцу. Человеку, который умел мечтать, и не заметил, как я стал взрослым.

Я сижу под деревом закрыв глаза. Слушаю. Громкие цикады. Бокал холодного пива на столе, беру не глядя, отпиваю глоток. И еще один. Так тепло и приятно коже. Пахнет арбузами, нащупываю на столе миску, да, так и есть. Сладкие и сочные. Порыв ветра доносит запах из кухни, похоже, что на обед будет суп и рыба. Я…


Recently, I realized most of the people I know suck. They are literally useless. Including myself of course. Look, it’s like I live on a planet surrounded with inhabitants that not only bring no value but massively consume air, water and pollute the nature senselessly driving to their offices, supermarkets and back. What scares the…

Paris Is Calling :)

I suddenly feel like French today.. Smoking Gitane, wearing suit trousers and converse with a knee long rain coat .. having a glass of red wine and a bite of fresh bread combined with some strong coffee at the corner bistro, jumping into my old citroen to drive to the gallery I run …

Feeling Miserable?

I had a dream tonight. I rarely see dreams, but today, apparently I was given a lesson while sleeping. So in my dream, I found myself as an adopted child living in a family where a mother was miserable because of her son who couldn’t speak and walk. I witnessed her tears while she was…

Dreaming My Dreams

Usually I sleep like a log but not today, so I wake up and this is what my dream is about: I come by a night club and happen to meet a famous african guy who used to be a martial artist of all times, and in my dream somehow I know him very well…

Барселона, она такая :)

Зимой мерзко. Я всегда жду тепла. Я думаю, что зима отбирает у меня то время, которое я бы потратил на прогулки вдоль моря под теплым февральским солнцем Барселоны. Летом здесь будет жарко, город наполнится туристами, как пляжи в Гидропарке до Чернобыля. А сейчас – зима, самое время переждать в тепле, когда цены на перелет и аренду…

The Moment

For those who can see the wisdom of the moment it will bring the future and disclose the past. Seeing the signs is flirting with time, dancing on the edge of abyss. Who can believe the moment it takes the next kiss from and allows the step forward. And we shell love and run no…

Reality Escape Guide

  It might be no way back. You are about to loose your stones, but you can’t turn back time. So, before you go escaping try the things you’d be missing once again, taste them and imagine you would be leaving it all for good in the world you are about to forget. Yes, it’s…

World Of Warcraft Revised

I’ve always been a fan of one man show heroes like Rambo, John McClane, Jason Bourne, Ronin, Riddick etc.: lone wolves, independent contractors, freelancers and finally down shifters ( Bourne almost made it in India ).  A core feature of all those stories would be centered around a well trained professional who’d fight the system…